Friday, October 15, 2010

Importance of Dunes

Sand dunes are important because they aid in the prevention of erosion of beaches. They also provide a necessary habitat for many species. These Sand Dunes show us the process of succession that other places don't. If there were no sand dunes, no wind, no marram grass, there would be a very small population and Rosy Mound Nature center would not exist. Not only are dunes good teachers but good sightseers and a great place to sit by and relax. Thats why it is so important we protect them. one way to protect sand dunes it to walk of the trails, not on the dunes itself. This provides protection for animals and plant species in that dune area. Another way humans can help protect the Dune ecosystem is to pick up trash littering the dunes, even if it is not yours. This will make it so everyone can see the dune's beauty for themselves.